Tango Norte

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Tango Norte - English presentation

Our organisation has more than 600 members who dance Argentine tango, milonga and vals cruzado as often as we have the opportunity.

The organisation

Founded in 1988, the official name of the organisation is Svensk-Argentinska Tangoföreningen (Swedish-Argentine Tango Association), but it is usually called Tango Norte. It is a non-profit making organisation and all activities rely on voluntary work by members.

We organise numerous events throughout the year – see our calendar!

We promote a democratic spirit on the dance floor – both women and men are encouraged to ask for a dance.


For generic questions, email to info@tangonorte.com För questions about classes, email kurs@tangonorte.com

For specific contacts in each workgroup, look under Groups.

For questions about a specific arrangement, ask the responsible person listed under that event.


You can apply for membership here. The membership fee is SEK 200 and your membership lasts for one year from the day your fee is registered. Please make your payment to the following account: Postal giro 429 31 73-3. Your membership and website account will be activated when the treasurer receives your payment. To become a member, Click here!

As a member you get…

  • …to attend our classes
  • …Sweden's leading tango publication, Tangonotiser, which alone is worth the membership fee.
  • …access to our video lending library
  • …many other benefits

Our events and club activities are for members, but non-members are welcome to come and try them out.


Svensk-Argentinska Tangoföreningen c/o Kuajara
Wollmar Yxkullsg. 52 B
118 50 Stockholm Sweden


Närmaste event:

Musikseminarium med Quarteto Viento Norte

2025-04-01 18:30:00


ur Kalendariet

ti 1 apr
Musikseminarium med Quarteto Viento Norte

on 2 apr
Onsdagspractica - Práctica de los Miércoles - Wednesday practica

fr 4 apr
Milonga på Chicago

on 9 apr
Onsdagspractica - Práctica de los Miércoles - Wednesday practica

fr 11 apr
Milonga på Chicago med DJ Ulla Kastrup

on 16 apr
Onsdagspractica - Práctica de los Miércoles - Wednesday practica
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ur Aktuellt

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Prova på Tango på Kulturhuset 15/5 Torsdag 15 maj är det gratis prova-på med Nina Carlss... »

ur Öppet Forum - senaste Ämnena

Övrigt »

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Reklam för Tango Nortes evenemang »

Kvarglömda saker »

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