Tango Norte

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Mina Grupper

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Registrering av externt evenemang

If you are an external party arranging tango events, and has gotten a special name and password from Tango Norte, you can here enter the information about your event and send it to us for publicing in the calendar. It usually takes less then a day before the info is visible in the calendar, but in it might occasionally take longer time.

We retain the right not to publicise events and to freely edit the text, for example the spelling and disposition, so it conforms to the rest of the contents on Tango Nortes site.

Note: Read carefully: if it is yourself or the organisation you represent (and your username is connected to) you shall not write this - it will be automatically added. However, If you are cooperating with someone that has the organisatorial main responsibility, this should be entered under Description .

When you choose locality from the menu a link to the place description will be added, containing address, how-to-find it and phone number there - so you do not need to add that. If you cannot find the locality in the list, you may of course put that info in the text in instead. Please notify webmaster@tangonorte.com with the locality details to get it put in the list, we appreciate information about floor type, photo of the place and other things dancers might be interested in.

User name:
IF the event is only for certain levels, check the boxes below. (If it is for all levels, please leave them empty.)
basic level
basic-intermediate level
intermediate level
intermediate-advanced level
advanced level
In this field you will enter the events Title. Make it as short as possible,

do not include your organisation's name, or other redundant redundant info. It is unnessesary and will be removed by the editor.

Write leader/teacher/artist/DJ here, if it exists. Otherwise, leave it empty. Note: only the name, no judgements or advertisement text, and not your organisations name. Put "DJ" in from of the name of one who's DJ:ing.
When you choose location you will automatically get address, road map and description.
Venue / Location:
Here you will put start and end time for your event. Note: If it is a class going for more than one day, only enter the first days start and end time, and put the other dates and times in the Description field. You're welcome to use a dot list (list item list), see the write help for details.
Description: A description of the events content. The text can be any length, but as mentioned above you usually won't need to put arranger, venue, address, road map, phone, price et c. in this field.

If there is any kind of fee (floor fee, entrance, ticket, class fee, et c) enter it here. Zero means the event is completely free! Note: If there are several kinds of tickets/fees, enter the non-discounted price for non-members, i e the highest possible price.
Cost / Fee: kr per person
If the event has a max number of participants, enter it here. Zero means unlimited numer of participants.
Max num of participants: persons

Before you click on Save you must verify that all your information is correct. You cannot change them afterwards (x). Also check that you didn't put arranger, road map, phone, cost, et c in the wrong space. If we feel we must edit too much we might choose not to publish it instead.
(x) Exception: If you have a login account (i e is a member of Tango Norte) that account will be set as responsible for this event, and will be able to update this event freely.

Närmaste event:

Milonga på Chicago med DJ Pino

2024-10-18 20:30:00


from the Calendar

Milonga på Chicago med DJ Pino

mo 21 Oct
Monday Tango Practica - Måndagspraktika

we 23 Oct
Onsdagspractica- Práctica de los Miércoles- Wednesday practica

fr 25 Oct
Milonga på Chicago

mo 28 Oct
Monday Tango Practica - Måndagspraktika

we 30 Oct
Onsdagspractica- Práctica de los Miércoles- Wednesday practica
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