Tango Norte

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Praktika Special med gästlärare Alejandro Lencina och Agustina Gomez

DJ: Maria Garcia
onsdag 19 februari, 2020 kl 18–21.30
Alviks Medborgarhus, Brommasalen

Vi inleder med WS på fortsättningsnivå med Alejandro Lencina och Agustina Gomez 18.00-19.30.

Kvällens tema: The Embrace. The Connection. The Cadencia. Have you ever wondered what cadencia means in tango? That mysterious concept they talk so much about in Buenos Aires? Find out in this workshop! Agustina and Alejandro give their view on the embrace and the three ways of connecting. After constructing this base they explain cadencia and how it will give your dance more depth.

Efteråt dans till musik av DJ Maria Jose Garcia.

Kostnad: 100 kr för medlemmar. 80 kr för studerandemedlemmar och 120 kr för gäster. TangoNortes entré- och bonuskort sparar vi till ett annat tillfälle. Efter kl. 19.30 gäller vanligt inträde: Medlemmar 70 kr, studerandemedlemmar 40 kr, medlemmar under 20 år gratis. Gäster 100 kr. Entrékort med 12 markeringar för medlemmar 700 kr.

Det går bra att betala med bankkort, swish eller entrékort. Dock inte med kontanter.

Välkommen att dansa med oss!

Värdar: ‪ ‪Leif Rundblad o Gillis Thyboll‬

BIOGRAPHY Agustina Gomez and Alejandro Lencina have been Finalists in the most prestigious Championships and are official teachers at a National level - but most importantly: they are wonderful persons eager to share their love for traditional tango!

Agustina and Alejandro have extensive experience in a variety of dances and tango styles but have chosen to dedicate their knowledge and teaching to the modern tango milonguero style, which they share a profound love for.

They started dancing together at the beginning of 2017 and already the same year they became finalists in the World Championship of Tango Mundial de Tango and in other prestigious competitions like the Tango Championship of Buenos Aires Campeonato de la Ciudad and the Intermilongas Championship. Since then they have been teaching, performing and participating in festivals all over Argentina and Europe.

Both of them started dancing at a very young age. Agustina begun her professional career as a tango salon and tango escenario dancer in some of the famous Casas de Tango shows in Buenos Aires, before she chose to focus on a more milonguero style. She is also a certified teacher in ballet and pilates and has studied contemporary dance and Argentine folklore.

Alejandro is a very versatile dancer and teacher. He teaches since many years at the official tango master technique education of the Argentine Ministry of Education where his title is Interpreter and Choreographer of Tango. He is also the dance teacher at the University of La Plata and the Municipal School of Art in the city of La Plata, which is his hometown. Alejandro started as an Argentine Folklore dancer and has since added a long list of dances to his curriculum such a salsa, bachata, cha cha and other Caribbean dances, of which he is also a well known teacher. Together with his previous dance partner he became the Buenos Aires Province Champion twice and also the Silver Trophy in the City of Buenos Aires Championship, among other achievements.

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