Tango Norte

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Playfulness and shared responsibility whithin the dance

Bennie Bartels
saturday 29 December, 2018 at 17 till saturday 29 December, 2018 at 18
Alviks Medborgarhus, Nockebysalen

Stockholm Tangofestival 2018 28 dec - 1 jan

DROP-IN Workshop med Bennie Bartels

Playfulness on the basis of equality and shared responsibility whithin the dance

Drop-in kursen inleder Alternativmilongan 29/12. 120 kronor kostar kurs+ milonga hela eftermiddagen 14-20 (klassisk milonga 14-16.45, Drop-in 17-18, Alternativ-milonga 18-20)

P.S. Du behöver inte anmäla dig till dropin-kursen. Det är bara att komma!

DROP-IN Workshop with Bennie Bartels

Playfulness on the basis of equality and shared responsibility whithin the dance

The Drop-in course takes place before the Alternative Music Milonga 29/12. For 120 SEK you get the classical afternoon milonga 14-16.45 + the Drop-in 17-18 and then the Alternative Music Milonga 18-20.

P.S. You do not need to register before hand for the drop-in WS. Just come!

Kostnad: 120 kr per person.

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2024-09-30 17:30:00


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